Ancient and Fun Tradition in Armenia (Summer 2015)

YARP hello from Isabelle! Like every place, Armenia has lots of holidays. Some of the Armenian holidays are Easter, Christmas, New Year, Independence Day, Constitution Day, and Vartavar and a lot more holidays.  You are probably thinking “what is Vartavar”? Vartavar is one of Armenians’ favorite holidays. It is a holiday when people get buckets and fill them with water. After they fill them with water, they splash each other with water.

This tradition comes from Armenian mythology. According to the legend, an Armenian goddess Astghik, who was the goddess of love, beauty, kindness, and water, got captured by a monster who did not want love, beauty and kindness in the world. After Astghik got captured, the world became very dull and boring and full of hate.

One day, Vahagn (the god of fire) could not stand the world like this and saved Astghik. Then he and Astghik got very close together or maybe even married. When he saved Astghik, Astghik poured rose water one everyone. When she did that, the world became prettier and better than before. Based on this myth, people have been pouring water on each other ever since. And Vahagn, ever since he saved Astghik, was known as the dragon slayer.

Now people throw water on each other without warning! It is always more fun than it seems. In conclusion, Vartavar is a very fun holiday. (I would not recommend walking out on the streets on Vartavar because you might get splashed at!).

For a little bit more information please see:

RFE/RL Vartavar Photos

Eastern Diocese Site Vartavar

4 thoughts on “Ancient and Fun Tradition in Armenia (Summer 2015)”

  1. Dear Tigran, I ‘m finally getting your comment! By the way, vartavar is my favorite holiday! See you next year! -Elise

  2. Hey Isabelle, it’s me Tigran. I played lots of games on vardavar too. I got splashed a lot and went to a pool with my friends. See you next year 🙂

  3. These pictures bring back memories of my visit to Yerevan many years ago during Vartavar. What a fun way to cool off during the hot summer days and celebrate a holiday at the same time. Keep these blogs coming!! I’m impressed and proud of your work.

  4. ILYARP* hello from Stepan to Isabelle and Elise!

    I’m really enjoying your blog and your writing, which provides a very important and interesting take on Armenia from your perspective. Please keep it coming!

    Hope you did step out on the streets and had a splash on Vartavar! 🙂

    * Stands for “I Love Yarp” 🙂

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